Taiwan Net Zero Emissions Association

   Expand Net Zero Initiative
   Commitment to Support and Involvement

TNZEA encourages industries to actively engage in transformation efforts, striving to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.Through proactive carbon reduction initiatives, we continuously promote and advocate for net zero emissions, leading various sectors in Taiwan through action to fulfill our shared responsibility of protecting the Earth's environment.



Taiwan Net Zero Emissions Association is jointly formed by many enterprisesAssorted by number strokes for the first character.

Founding Member
Premium Member



Spotlight on net-zero emission-related issues.

Far EasTone Telecommunications has been recognized with the Schneider Electric Sustainability Impact Award.
Far EasTone Telecommunications has achieved significant energy savings in its operations. By utilizing an energy management system, they have reduced the total electricity consumption of their stores by 10% annually. Additionally, through the innovative 5G "AI Base Station Location" system, which minimizes unnecessary duplicate investments, along with intelligent mixing and dormancy technologies, they have been able to cut base station energy consumption by up to 46%. This reduction is equivalent to approximately 50,000 tons of carbon emissions annually.
United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) has been awarded the CDP Climate Change and Water Security A-List for two consecutive years.
The Corporate Sustainability Association, together with CDP and the Stock Exchange, recently hosted the "CDP Taiwan Disclosure Event," recognizing companies that received A-list rankings in CDP's Climate Change and Water Security categories for the year 2023. Representing United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), Vice General Manager Wu Tsung-hsien accepted the A-list trophy. This marks the second consecutive year that UMC has received double A-list recognition since 2022, affirming their performance in greenhouse gas reduction and water resource management.
Ørsted spent six years constructing the largest offshore wind farm in the Asia-Pacific region! Over 200 Taiwanese factories benefited from the project.
After six years of development and construction, the first phase of the large Changhua Southeast and Southwest offshore wind farm built by Danish offshore wind energy company Orsted was completed and connected to the grid on April 25th. It is the fourth commercial-operational wind farm in Taiwan (the other three being Formosa, Hai Long, and Taipower Phase 1). This is not only the largest in the Asia-Pacific region but also the first domestically produced component included offshore wind farm completed domestically.
台北大學永續月專題演講 簡又新談淨零趨勢與產業脈動
Turning finance to achieve the 2050 goal Together, a better life. Bank SinoPac joins the Net Zero Association
To achieve the 2050 net zero emissions goal, Bank SinoPac announced on 4/12 its membership in the Taiwan Net Zero Emissions Association(TNZEA). Chairman TSAO Wei-Thyr pledged to uphold the right principles and lead more enterprises forward to achieve the net zero target. Ambassador Eugene Chien, Chairman of the TNZEA, commended Bank SinoPac's determination and looks forward to continuing to work hand in hand with more members to create a better life.
第二屆碳權、碳關稅及碳交易論壇 碳有價時代 專家提點自身減量優先
台灣淨零排放協會與鴻海科技集團 於11月16日上午共同主辦第二屆新能源論壇,雙方共同強調因應氣候變遷越趨強烈,國際能源轉型勢在必行,在淨零趨勢下,擁有低碳且穩定的能源是各經濟體決勝關鍵,致詞貴賓經濟部能源署電力發展及管理組陳景生組長則強調, 去年國發會發布2050淨零轉型策略, 2050年我國再生能源發電占比能達 60~70%,但要達到此項目標,則同時也必須發展儲能系統。 本次論壇特地邀集鴻海精密工業股份有限公司吳易座協理、台泥儲能科技股份有限公司黃義協副總經理、沃旭能源股份有限公司汪欣潔董事長、富威電力股份有限公司郝遐鵬總經理以及台塑新智能科技股份有限公司舒英豪處長5位企業代表分享該公司的儲能技術或再生能源發展前景,5位講者共同強調,再生能源發展是未來台灣能否如期達成淨零目標的重要關鍵,而電池等儲能設備及能源管理系統更是加速國內能源轉型的重要推手。
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Seminars, conferences and specialized forums for Association members to discuss and exchange ideas.